Article Pinterest stat reporting
We were very pleased to see our Pinterest stat reporting for a lovely client of our, 11 on Fairway Beach Villa.
1.8k UNIQUE viewers absolutely amazing, especially considering that we have only been posting on this platform for our client for the last 4 weeks!
Pinterest Analytics Definitions:
Here are some key metrics you’ll find in your Pinterest Analytics account:
The number of times a Pin showed up in the Home Feed, search results, and category feeds.
The number of times someone saved your Pin to one of their boards.
The number of clicks to your website from Pins on your profile.
Average monthly viewers
The average number of people who see your Pins.
Average monthly engaged
The average number of people who act on your Pins (either through Repinning or Clicking).
So if you would like to have your business noticed online and increase your digital footprint, get in touch with Innovative Marketing today 039 695-1613 |
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